Business Impact Analysis

A modern business impact analysis must be based on international standards. Therefore, our process model is strictly aligned with ISO 22301

Only the specialist department knows the potential impact/damage in the event of process downtime. The crucial thing is the alignment of these key figures with IT and facility management

Processes per se cannot fail but can only be affected by failing resources. Therefore, the consideration of all critical resources including service providers is essential for our methodology

„Die Wüstenrot Gruppe beschäftigt sich im Rahmen der BCM Neuausrichtung mit einer kompletten Überarbeitung der bestehenden Business Impact Analyse. Dabei setzen wir natürlich auf die Expertise unseres Partners BC Consulting GmbH, die uns zu den Themen BCM und Krisenmanagement seit Jahren begleiten.”

Stephan Beneking, Wüstenrot Gruppe
IT Strategie & Governance, CISO

The software-supported Business Impact Analysis (BIA) is a part of Business Continuity Management (BCM) and identifies processes and functions within an organization in order to capture the resources underlying the processes.


BIA reveals the interdependencies between processes and/or business units, the impact of process failures, the criticality of each process for the entire group and the required recovery time.


Together with the risk analysis, the BIA forms the basis for a security strategy to prepare companies for emergencies and crises as a preventive component and to support them in coping with them.